Friday, October 16, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Michael

I was thinking the other day… what is there to do? Where is there to go that I either haven’t done before or haven’t been to? I could think of much. I feel most cancer patients go through this thought process… let’s face it we are forced to confront our own mortality… and that is not a bad thing. It let me prioritize my priorities. As is have said before and I’ll say again family is the most important thing in the world. Without them you got nothing.

Yes there are places I would like to go to that I haven’t been to before things I haven’t done… I have yet to go deep see diving. I would like to do these things and go to these places before cancer takes over… if it ever does takes over. I would like to go to the Grand Canyon, see the country. Go to Paris, Israel, Europe… I would like to travel the world. But if I never did any of these things for whatever reasons I would still be happy as long as I had my family. Family is everything.

First off I consider myself very lucky I have been able to experience a lot of really cool things being in the business I am in. Let’s see I have met Presidents, The Governor, countless celebrities, flown in black hawks, stood in the eye of hurricanes as they made land fall, flown in stunt planes, shot video in the middle of a riot, sky dived, bungee jumped, met the rich, met the poor climbed water falls in Cost Rica I have been able to do and see a lot… life has been very exciting – so if I don’t ever do anything other than spend time with family then I am doing not just doing remarkable and great but I will be awesome. Life isn’t about where you have been or what you have done, who has the most money or toys… it is about family – family family family.

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