Saturday, October 10, 2009


Kim and I were recently talking and wondering if there was any correlation between my professional video camera and my brain tumor/cancer. The camera sits just next to where my tumor is… when it is on my shoulder it is rite where the tumor is. Has anyone heard of any other photojournalists having a brain tumor/cancer? It’s too much of a coincidence that the brain tumor/cancer is where the cameras sits. Please let me know if you have heard of this happening to any other fellow photojournalists.

As far as me I am feeling great doing good and after a recent visit to my doctors my outlook is even better. My EEG came back great! The doctor said there was no sign of seizures and that I am doing better than average. They all seem to be surprised at how well I am doing. When your doctor is surprised at how well you’re doing you know you’re doing remarkably good. I have eight sessions of radiation left then I stay on chemo for a few weeks then I am of both radiation and chemo for a few weeks before I my chemo doubles and radiation is gone forever. When the chemo doubles its only five days a month and it is still the pills so I hope I handle it well. I still can’t drive for another five months so I will need to figure out what to do with my time. I will try to work for myself and help my partners with As long as I can get a ride to wherever I need I think I’ll be okay.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    We've never met in person, but I have known about you since the early days of my career at WINK as a photog, and also a member of (I am Deft Depth).

    Trey always speaks very highly of you, and our mutual friend and fellow WINKster Jason respects you tremendously. That being said, I just want to let you know that you're in my thoughts as you continue your fight with cancer.

    My girlfriend Maggie (also a reporter at WINK) is a cancer survivor. She is the strongest woman I've ever known, and I credit her survival largely to that. You share that same can-do attitude she had during her fight ten years ago, and I want to encourage you to be strong and keep fighting as you move forward.

    As you know, WINK is like a family to those who have worked here, be it past or present. And so in that regard, brother, I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong and keep us updated.

    Yours truly,

