Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On The Radio

I just got reenergized. I am going to go to a brain tumor support group next week that I think will be very helpful. The woman I spoke with is a 20 year survivor… that’s very encouraging. I felt a boost of energy after speaking with her. This will be great talking to people who have been and are going through the same thing I am.

Other than that nothing new other than I was on the radio this past weekend talking about health care reform. How did that happen? Well I’m glad you asked. I took the family and some friends to one of my new favorite restaurants – Linda Beans Perfect Lobster Rolls. It was my third time there in less than two weeks and there was a radio station doing a live remote promoting the place. So I went on the air to say how great the place was. Not two minutes into the interview the DJ changes direction and goes from how great the lobster rolls are to Health Care reform. I was caught off guard but I think I gave a good answer. I said something has to be done but I don’t think Obama’s plan is perfect and anything run by the government will be run slowly and it will take time for patients to get approval for new medications.

And Please remember to watch my newest video blog -

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