Friday, September 18, 2009

The strength to fight

I have been asked many times over “where do you get the strength from to fight and keep the positive attitude you have?” Well I draw it from you… each and every one of you who has prayed for me… given me positive thoughts and advice… has told me I can do it. I get it all from you.

This morning I woke up to find a TV News forum I visit frequently ( has done an article on me and my posting about my battle has received many replies. Fellow news photogs coming to my side to let me know they are thinking and praying for me. Many of these people I have never meet in person… many of these people I have debated with over styles of shooting and lighting… but when it comes to something like cancer they all have come to my side to support me… how can I not draw strength from that.

This weekend is a very special weekend for me not only is it Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) L'Shana Tovav- it is my 39th birthday on Sunday… and since 39 isn’t in actuality a big birthday… and 40 is - this next birthday I plan on celebrating my 40th in a big way. At that point I will have beaten cancer or at least be close to beating it. I will be on the road to recovery. I want to celebrate in style. I want as many people there as possible who have loved and supported me through my battle. I also want a cake from Chef Duff… you know the guy who makes those amazing cakes on the Food Network – his show is called Ace of Cakes… so if anyone can hook me up with him let me know.

Seriously I know this next year will be a challenging one... a year with up and downs – but one year from know we will be celibrating my clean bill of health and my 40th birthday.. How awesome will that be?

Thanks again to everyone,

I love you all – and I will be posting a new video soon so look for that

1 comment:

  1. L'shana Tovah babe.

    may you be inscribed in the book of life for another year.
